What you can expect from us here at NT Chiropractic is nothing less than top-quality care. Our doctors and staff have a vested interest in your health, and we do not believe in using a one-size-fits-all approach for your wellness needs. For this reason, Dr. Bailey and Dr. Pruitt will do their homework in order to establish a proper diagnosis and an appropriate prognosis.


When you are in pain, the main topics weighing on your mind are how much discomfort you are experiencing and how to get rid of it. A lot of people visit chiropractors as a means to relieve pain. During this first phase of chiropractic care, our goal is to first and foremost ease your discomfort and offer you relief. Depending on the severity of your problem, relief typically comes after receiving chiropractic care two to three times a week for anywhere from four to six weeks.

Our Doctors will use imaging technology including in-office digital x-rays and MRIs ordered or already complete, in conjunction with a physical exam to get down to the bottom of what’s causing your discomfort. Doing so will enable them to establish the correct diagnosis and formulate an appropriate prognosis – or roadmap that tells you how your condition is expected to progress.


After phase one, your chiropractor will advance your treatment plan to phase two, the rehabilitation/strengthening phase. During phase two, muscles and tissues are able to heal and begin to become stronger. Stronger, rehabilitated muscles aid in preventing any further bodily injury. Depending on the severity of your particular case, you can expect to receive treatment two to three times a week for approximately four to six weeks.


Once your body has fully healed, your chiropractor will begin phase three, stabilization and wellness care. This phase essentially serves to maintain the progress your body has made over the span of many chiropractic treatments. This maintenance typically involves quick visits to your chiropractor one to four times a month depending on your wellness goals and lifestyle.